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In August 2017 in the Salomon islands then in Papua-New Guinea and Indonesia, embark on Fleur de Passion and dive on some of the most stunning underwater spots in the world. Under the supervision of a dive master and the crew of the expedition, get involved in the CoralWatch citizen science program on the state of the health of the corals. And contribute to rising awareness about the challenges reefs are facing due to global warming.

Fleur de Passion is an offshore sailboat. This is why dives should be considered as exploratory dives in an unknown environment with related constraints.

Organization :

  1. Dives are organized under the supervision of a diving instructor in charge of organization and safety.

  2. Divers must bring their own equipment (fins, mask, snorkel, diving suit, regulator and stabilizing jacket) as well as their own parachute.

  3. The boat supplies the tanks and the weights.

  4. A fee of CHF 30.- per dive is charged in addition to the daily CHF 120.- for accommodation on board.

Conditions of dives:

  1. Dives are subject to weather and safety conditions and submitted to the skipper's approval.

  2. Each diver must be in possession of his/her dive certificate and diary and a medical certificate dated less than one year.

  3. Dives are carried out within the limits of the safety curve.

  4. The dinghy can take 4 people to the site.

  5. Diving from the Fleur de Passion is possible but the diver must be able to climb a 2m ladder in a potentially formed sea.

Note : 

No night dives are permitted during shipment.

For more info on the schedule and availabilities, have a look on